Win Prizes

A key Higgidy value, which we all follow, is simply to be kind. Whether it be a colossal act of kindness, or a humble pie full of good manners, it’s something we stick to. With that, we also like to give to those in need. We feel it’s vital to use our time and resources to make a difference, no matter how big or small.

Many people go hungry every day in the UK, which can be due to any number of reasons. 8.4 million people are struggling to afford to eat, with 4.7 million of these people living in severely ‘food insecure’ homes. This could lead to them needing access to food banks and other similar centres just to feed their families and themselves. Going without food is incredibly tough, especially over this cold, wintery period.

Fareshare are a charity project that redistributes surplus food to a range of communities and groups across the UK. Their vision is that ‘no good food goes to waste’ and they tackle hunger and food wastage with a team of brilliant volunteers. As we are based in Shoreham-by-Sea, we support Fareshare Sussex. Every week they provide food to 8691 people who might otherwise go hungry.

We regularly donate surplus Higgidy pies and quiches to Fareshare and they distribute them to around 120 local charity and community projects. Our products, along with other donations, are then turned into tasty and nutritious meals for people in need. Fareshare’s vision is to diminish food poverty completely and we want to play a part in helping them to achieve that vision.

This year we have donated a total of 15.526 tonnes of Higgidy products to Fareshare Sussex – that’s roughly the weight of 4 hippopotamuses! Food is something that can be taken for granted and easily wasted. So, we wish to raise more thought and awareness towards people who might not have regular access to it.

Get involved!

Over the Christmas period, Fareshare are hosting their annual food drive that takes place at the end of November and beginning of December. They need volunteers to help collect food donations from customers in their local Tesco store. In the space of three hours, you could collect enough food to make 600 meals! If you’d like to take part please sign up here: Also if you’d like to read more about Fareshare please visit their website

Winter and the Christmas period can be a challenging time for some, which is why we’re keen to help those in need and want to encourage others to get involved too.